What is the happen today lehx? The only one I can said is, I'm really having a bad luck recently~ Where is my good luck? Can you get back here? I need you~ It's really can't live without you. Why I will write in English? Because a lot people request me that, write in English.. Because my Chinese grammar poor????? Omg~ my English more poor lorhx.. Stupid !! But, anyway.. I wish all of you understand my funny English =) Today I was woke up at 8:30am somethings, cause someone else called me out and gave me Big Surprise !! Omg~ I don't want to talked about that lehx.. I wondering I will headache again >< Around 10:30pm, I went to INTI to played basketball there. I Mention it !! It's PLAYED~ Correctly have a lot FUN there.. I appreciate to the one who trying to make me laugh, the one who trying to talked to me when I'm quite there, the one who trying do somethings stupid action that make me happy! Thank You~ classmates !! I Love you all so much~ really.. Even, sometimes my temperature were not really good with all of you.. But, all of you still keep forbearing about me! A million thousand to all of you =) People is keep blaming me, Can you please far away from you phone !! HaHa~ SOrry..... I can't control it ^^!! OK lehx nahx~ really feel so sleepy now, and have nothing to write for today! Cause really nothing special~ Tomorrow still need to wake up early to having Japanese foods at JOGOYA with my 2 lovely sister.. Why I should wake up early lehx? Because I need to drive tomorrow ^^!! haHA~ I will share out some photo tomorrow to all of you, ok? Good Night All =)
What is the happen today lehx? The only one I can said is, I'm really having a bad luck recently~ Where is my good luck? Can you get back here? I need you~ It's really can't live without you. Why I will write in English? Because a lot people request me that, write in English.. Because my Chinese grammar poor????? Omg~ my English more poor lorhx.. Stupid !! But, anyway.. I wish all of you understand my funny English =) Today I was woke up at 8:30am somethings, cause someone else called me out and gave me Big Surprise !! Omg~ I don't want to talked about that lehx.. I wondering I will headache again >.<" Around 10:30pm, I went to INTI to played basketball there. I Mention it !! It's PLAYED~ Correctly have a lot FUN there.. I appreciate to the one who trying to make me laugh, the one who trying to talked to me when I'm quite there, the one who trying do somethings stupid action that make me happy! Thank You~ classmates !! I Love you all so much~ really.. Even, sometimes my temperature were not really good with all of you.. But, all of you still keep forbearing about me! A million thousand to all of you =) People is keep blaming me, Can you please far away from you phone !! HaHa~ SOrry..... I can't control it ^^!! OK lehx nahx~ really feel so sleepy now, and have nothing to write today! Cause really nothing special~ Tomorrow still need to wake up early to having Japanese foods at JOGOYA with my 2 lovely sister.. Why I should wake up early lehx? Because I need to drive tomorrow ^^!! haHA~ I will share out some photo tomorrow to all of you, ok? Good Night All =)
亲爱的你们,不要一直催我 update blogger!因为我以为没人会看,所以就没有再刻意去 update它咯…
最近,都很开心…没什么特别的事情发生!就只是这几天,比较多事情发生而已~ 但,经过了今晚…应该一切都会渐渐的顺利了吧。最让我担心的,还是那个他~ 从认识你开始到现在,真的带你如同哥哥…可能我也有错,给了你错觉!对不起~ 当你看到的时候,不要沮丧,我不值得让你难过。相信我,你会找到更好的!可能我的外表真的让人觉得,随便~ 但,我只想跟你和其他人说…我只是 Friendly。所以,我很重视别人懂不懂得尊重我~ 特别是男生!!不懂得尊重我的男生,我都会跟他们说 “ 请你离我远一点!” 而你,我就会发你的脾气,不和你讲话,就是不会不理你~ 因为,我真的重视你这个朋友+哥哥。所以,为什么你常常说…我一直和你发脾气,这就是为什么啦。可是,最近看见你对我的态度和举止都改善了许多,我很开心!但,还是要提醒你一百万次…我只是你的朋友+很好很好的朋友~ 请别超越!我是真的很珍惜我们之间的友谊。
好啦,不说了!今天晚上,我和几位 “ 帅哥”去了Cheras 康乐的巴刹,感觉还不错噢…心情开朗了很多。从没什么人的街上走到,人渐渐的挤满了,好热!吃到了我喜欢的卡通小蛋糕~ 真想把它们全都带回家摆美。可惜,不行……然后再去看我喜爱的小狗狗~ 真的好可爱,真想把它们都买起来了…尤其是我看中的那两只!考虑,考虑吧~ 哈哈。。大概10点多这样,就到了NILAI… 但是,不满足的我们续摊~ 吃烧鱼去了。吃完了以后,就真的会宿舍去了!时间过得真的好快,眼睛好像没什么眨就这样过了一天~ 其实,不是很有心情…但,我还是用尽办法的让自己开心,满足。就写到这里咯……明天再继续~ 晚安 ^u^
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